Carmen-Alexandra MUREȘAN
Carmen-Alexandra MUREȘAN
Managing Associate

tel. (+4021) 402.09.30
fax (+4021) 402.09.31

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  • Affiliations and recommendations
    • Member of Bucharest Bar since 2014.
  • Education
    • Faculty of Law, Bucharest University, 2013;
    • Master studies in Business Law, Faculty of Law, Bucharest University, 2022.
  • Professional experience
    • 2014-present: lawyer, STOICA & ASOCIAȚII.
  • Foreign languages
    • English.
Relevant experience

Carmen-Alexandra Mureşan provided legal assistance and ensured the representation of Romanian and foreign clients in insolvency and civil disputes, in enforcement proceedings, in disputes with professionals, including those regarding consumer protection and payment, in litigation administrative, real estate law, urban planning law (building permits, historical monuments). Carmen also provided assistance and ensured the representation of banking institutions in the real estate field, in insolvency proceedings, including those related to the enforcement of credit titles or regarding the use of payment instruments.

Carmen represented a large number of professionals in the case of mergers or acquisitions, in disputes related to their establishment, operation and liquidation (registration, merger and acquisition, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution and exclusion of shareholders), within a multitude of consulting projects ( corporate law and personal data protection) and in the negotiation of commercial contracts and projects related to corporate law.
