Vin și divin

The cult of the wine and of the great religions reflected in art and literature: in the Greek Symposium or Dionysus in the middle of the vineyards, rendered on an amphora in Villa Giulia in Rome, in the texts of Euripides (considered a foreshadowing of the Christian Eucharist), in The Drunkenness of Noah in Genesis and in the City of God of Blessed Augustine. The wedding in Cana of Galilee offers another episode in which the water turns into wine, a fascinating story with echoes to the wine rivers of Allah's Paradise, celebrated by the Sufi Omar Ibn al-Farid. The sacred books and rituals of the great religions of the world have always been closely related to wine.

Author: Jean-Robert Pitte
Publishing house: Baroque Books & Arts
Year of appearance: 2018

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